Music Composer
This is Lorenzo Cortés, a 45 years old spanish composer. I’m living in my hometown, Ejea de los Caballeros, Zaragoza, Spain.
After my classical music education in Spain, I focused on film orchestration with the Berklee´s Master Orchestration for Film and TV. At the same time I also obtained the Computer Engineering grade in the University of Zaragoza.
I started to work with music computers in the 80’s, with one of the first Korg sequencers, Atari computer (without hard disk) and the first version MIDI Cubase software.
I was able to join my two passions, music and technology, giving freedom to my creativity and artistic expression. By means of combining these two worlds, I was able to be a versatile composer, adding creativity and innovation, and overall … flexibility.

Music composer for radio, tv and films
After several recording jobs, I released my first ambient music album in 1996, entitled “Panoramas”, edited by Kiko´s studios for RTVE and Canal Plus. After this, I published my first library music album for TV and Radio “TV & Radio News”, edited by Sintonia and distributed around the world. Nowadays it is still broadcasted in a lot of radio stations. Since then, I have made a lot of soundtracks and jobs for TV and radio stations, editorial companies in more than 25 countries.
A landmark in my career was the creation of a modern studio for music composition and recording, with the last technology and unlimited resources to make music.
I have the awareness of being so privileged of working in the fields of my passion both working artistically and professional contributing thus to the success of TV, radio and film projects.

¿En qué puedo ayudarte?
Detrás de un proyecto de éxito hay una banda sonora a medida.